Fwd: Welcome New Students

My school LOL
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From: Marisa Panzani <Admissions@gc.cuny.edu>
Date: Mon, May 17, 2021 at 12:07 PM
Subject: Welcome New Students
To: <jayharvey3@gmail.com>

I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome you again to The Graduate Center community.

Please familiarize yourself with the Fall 2021 Academic Calendar. One date I'd like to highlight is the start of new student registration, August 16th. You will receive registration materials by email in the first week of August.

In the meantime, please stop by our New Students' Blog to see the next steps you need to take prior to registration as well as housing information/roommate matching, and tips/advice from our current students. We are processing the official documents many of you have already begun sending. Please be sure to log back into the online application system to track the receipt of those official documents.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us at admissions@gc.cuny.edu Have a great summer!

Marisa Panzani
Associate Director of Admissions
Sent from Gmail Mobile

Day 4 Complete

Melody had another great day today. Thank you for praying for her!
We are leaving tomorrow afternoon. Both of us miss being home and are
eager to get back. Please pray for safe travel, especially for Melody
as she will still have some ketamine lingering in her system.

Day 4 Is Underway

Melody has begun Day 4. Her pain thresholds continue to be better and
better. Please pray for this final day: another high dose and
continued peace. Praise God for the care that our family has family
has received.

Day 3 Concluded

Melody has a great day of infusions today. She obtained a very high
dose for a long period of time with no interruption. She also is
recovering more quickly. Thanks so much for your prayers.

Day Three Is About to Begin

Melody showed marked improvement in all the objective pain
measurements today. The infusions appear to be helping a lot. There
is a lot than can go wrong in this procedure, so we are very grateful
for two smooth days.

Please pray for another day of high doses. Melody would like to reach
250mg/hr. Pray for her to continue to be spiritually uplifted the
music that she is listening to during the infusion. Pray for the
peace of Christ in all things. Give thanks to God for Dr. Kirkpatrick
and his staff.

2nd Day Completed

Melody reached a very high dose today with little difficulty. Thank
you for praying! She also had a great deal of peace in the procedure.
Our family is doing well back home. We miss them but are grateful
for the care that they receive when we are away. Please continue to
pray for high doses and a sense of God's presence.

2nd Day of Infusions Underway

We have begun the second day of infusions. Melody listens to the CD
"Because He Loves Me" by Elyse Kirkpatrick and Vicki Cook. This CD
alternates scripture and devotional readings with songs sung by Vicki.
Great CD. Makes for better dreams. Please pray for high doses and a
sense of the presence of God.