1. When I (Jay) look back on what we went through I don't see how we did it. God sustained us powerfully through the prayers of his people. So we praise him for his sustaining grace. We also praise God for the timing. Monterrey at present is too dangerous for Jacob and Rob to stay there for a long time. We also would have been very reluctant to purusue the procedure had we seen the complications that followed the case immediately after Melody's. God's timing is evident.
2. Pray for continued resilience for Melody. She is determined to get better. It is amazing to see it. She does therapy every day.
3. Pray for continued spiritual growth. Melody is a different person spiritually.
4. Pray for Melody to gain full use of her arms.
As of 11/230/2010
We do ask that you pray for God's blessing as Melody returns to Mexico for a five day booster. Please pray for safe travel and for the children to thrive while we are gone for a week.
Below are the requests we posted before we left for the coma study in August 2010. God provided in an amazing way. We felt sustained by the prayers we received. Thank you!
This page will contain some standing requests for prayer. I will post immediate requests on the home page. If the immediate requests become standing requests I will move them here for easy access. Please praise God for his provision thus far. Your prayers have been a blessing to us.
Please continue to pray for:
- healing through this procedure;
- for a good plan of therapy to improve and maintain Melody's health when she returns (this needs to be a new lifestyle);
- the folks caring for us in Monterrey and our children at home to be sustained;
- the children to feel God's love and peace while we are away;
- the plans to come together for our children to be cared for well while we are away;
- our spirits to be sustained by the Holy Spirit;
- Melody to remain spiritually encouraged;
- no infection during the procedure; and,
- for Melody not to have hallucinations while in the coma. Monterrey has had very little trouble with hallucinations. I seem to recall Dr. Kirkpatrick saying that the dosing schedule for the medication in Monterrey helps curb this side effect.