Before we know it we will be packing for the trip to Monterrey. As the time approaches Melody has waves of anticipation and anxiety. She does not doubt that it is the right thing to do. Its simply that the idea of being completely unconscious for five days is daunting. I told Melody that I was going to ask for more prayer for her to have peace about everything. She is not completely anxious all the time, but nevertheless has some pangs of anxiety. I have my moments as well, though they tend to be more fleeting.
God has brought together many, many details. There has been no "frustration" in the process of arranging this trip. While this is not a guarantee of any future result, the Lord has certainly provided for this need without difficulty at a time when large financial needs are difficult to meet (normally a need this large is always difficult to meet).
One overwhelming blessing has been the love and prayers of all of you people, and those with whom you share this information who pray for us. God is sustaining us through your prayers. This is his way with his people. We depend on the love and care of one another and he gets the glory.