I hope to put together some pictures for folks to view at the Fall kickoff breakfast at church this Sunday.
A New Day (8/31/2010)
Difficult Night (8/31/2010)
Moving Forward (Monday 8/30/2010 1:08 PM)
Sunday 8/29/2010
comments from some "old" (their words) ICU nurses have been helpful.
The Mexican nurses are good, but it's tough to comfort someone and
deal with these nuances in another language.
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Melody says... (8/27/10 11:12PM)
Melody Up and Moving
Pray For Melody
It seems there was some to some sort of reaction. My own thought is that perhaps her raw throat reacted to some caustic medication that came into contact with it. Please pray for healing for Melody and don't take for granted anything what God has given to you when you pray but thank him for it.
New Drug
Melody is Coughing More
Melody Doing Well
Currently Melody is making very good progress. It is too early to declare the full impact of the coma, especially given the trauma to the body of the procedure itself (maybe more on that later). However, Melody is not on any pain medication (first time in two years) and she slept on her side for the first time in two years. (Great signs!) Tomorrow she transitions to the hotel for continued recovery--a very fast pace. So, all in all we are very, very encouraged. Dr. Cantu said that the key is to take it slow and change your lifestyle accordingly (forever).
It is important to understand that a "cure" for Melody does not mean running marathons or doing what other people do, but means her being able to live a life free of debilitating pain. The continued spread of the pain, the acid-burning feeling, the bleeding lesions--this is the outcome that we hoped to avert when she was admitted to this coma study. So far we look to be on the path to avert those outcomes. Like any medical treatment, the patient has a role to play in the outcome. I am so grateful to have Melody back from this coma and see the signs we are seeing. Thank you for your prayers for us.
Pray for Strength
Slow Going, But Steady (Monday 8/23/2010)
Ruth Garza has stayed the night with Melody. Rob has kept Jacob during the day. He truly has an amazing combination of gifts and spirit. A unique blessing to be able to care for a young person with complex medical needs, in a foreign country, while the child's mother is in a coma/coma recovery. Jacob has been very happy. And, in Jacob's case I actually don't think he takes it for granted at all. He knows what it takes to take care if him well. It does he that Jacob is loads of fun:). Lisette and Priscila continue to be a big help too--with all sorts of things.
Melody is Doing Well Right Now
Problem--Melody Pulled Out the Central Line
another IV line.
Thanks for the prayers
Sitting With Melody Listening to The Getty's (Sat 8/21/2010 1:50PM)
Spoke To Melody
it. She developed some fever at the very end which they are
culturing. It was very good to see her smile. But, I suspect it will
be 24 hours before much normal interaction.
Melody Wakes Up This Morning (Saturday) at 11:00AM!
Melody Wakes Up Tomorrow (Day 9 8/20/2010)
Day 8 (8/19/2010) 5:05PM
Day 8 (8/19/2010) 3:15PM--Melody Seems Calm, My Anticipation is Building
Day 7 (8/18/2010) 9:48PM CST--Prayer Requests Following a Busy Day
Melody was moving a lot tonight; the resident said that she is probably dreaming. So, please pray vigorously that she is having good dreams. (What a picture of our true dependence on God. There Melody is unable to ask anything for herself, dependent on the prayers of the saints and the mercy of God. How often I forget the great privilege it is to be able to call upon God in prayer and seek his assistance knowing that he is eager to assist me because we have been purchased by the blood of his Son).
One of Melody's concerns was being locked out of communication and not being able to wake up from having bad dreams. So, please keep praying. In fact some of the most critical days of prayer lay ahead. On Friday mornign they will cut off the ketamine and begin propofol. Then on Saturday they will wake her up. Ruth and her daughters will be helping me on Saturday and Sunday. Please pray for Melody to remain infection free, have good dreams, to recognize me and the Garzas as husband and friends and to recover swiftly. We are blessed by your care for us.
Day 6 (8/17/2010)
Day 6 (8/17/2010)--Pray For Jacob
Dates and Times
Good Visit With Melody This Evening (8/16/2010)
This evening I visited Melody and spent some time with her nurses. Melody looks very peaceful. Before the coma, I would encourage her by saying that she was going to be able to catch up on lots of lost sleep over the years. The nurses take excellent care of her. They have a detailed protocol to prevent infection. They also keep her gown just right, her hair in a nice pony tail across the top of the bead, and her feet and hands regularly massaged with lotion. Melody looked so peaceful, and I think that the ketamine had visibly improved her swelling already. Her complexion was also more like her pre-RSD complexion. I went from being distressed that she was in a coma yesterday to being happy that she was in this peaceful state today. I think it is helping her and that makes me happy.
It seems that many of the doctors are fluent in English. There was a med student there who was fluent in English and he helped to get my medical questions sorted out. After I asked those questions I spoke more personally with the nurses. I have a translation program on my phone and I used it to talk to them. I told them that Melody had four children--they couldn't believe that and motioned with their hands indicating that she was so tiny to have had four children. I told them to keep Melody beautiful in the ICUl. They said that that would not be difficult with her. I showed them pictures of the children and told of their ages and interests. I explained what a good mother Melody is and how much the children missed their mommy. They were already taken good care of her but Mexican women are very family oriented and I thought they would appreciate knowing these details. They did, and I think it will make the whole experience more meaningful for them as they help Melody.
Thank you for your prayers. Please do continue to pray for Melody to be thoroughly healed, for the recovery to be smooth and for peace to abound for her and us.
Day 5 (8/16/10)--Waiting Patiently
the coma. We are waiting patiently and praying. I am glad that she
seems peaceful as she sleeps.
Visit with Melody On Sunday 8/15/2010
I didn't want to talk to anybody after being with her. I was glad to be there by myself in the ICU waiting room (thankfully they had nice large comfortable chairs). The mexican children in the waiting room stared at me the way children do--just briefly before they know you are looking. I smiled at one little girl and she smiled back. I'm not sure how I looked, but I was stare worthy for small children. I decided to call Priscila to meet me at the hospital so that I could follow her to the hotel. I didn't want to have to focus on finding my way back to the hotel. For 60 pesos I got a cappuccino out one of those coffee vending machines. I met Rob and Jacob at the hotel and we all had a nice supper together. Rob had kept Jacob occupied the whole day. That was a blessing as all of this could have been much less pleasant for Jacob. One of the ladies from church gave Jacob some legos as well, which he loves to use to build things.
I am grateful as I reflect on how Melody looked in ICU. She seemed very peaceful and not in any pain. I have not seen her face look so relaxed in a long, long time--she had continuous pain in her sleep so she truly is the most pain free ever. From what I understand, as the ketamine floods her brain it completely stops the synthesis of glutamate, thereby cutting off the RSD cycle at the root cause. The nurse was taking very good care of her. They obviously know what they are doing and are following all the protocols to prevent infection. Dr. Cantu has developed a technique to make recovery smoother. He lets the patients sleep one extra day by giving them propofol after he stops ketamine. This keeps the patient in sedation while the body eliminates the ketamine and that makes the side effects less prominent. I see why RSD patients come back to Dr. Cantu--he instills much confidence medically and is also very kind.
Melody Went in This Morning At 8:15AM
the staff was very friendly and competent. They wanted to wait a
couple of hours before I saw her. So, we went to church in
Monterrey. I'll be heading over shortly.
Day 4-Isaiah 26:3-4 and prayer
whose mind is stayed on you,
because he trusts in you.
4Trust in the LORD forever,
for the LORD GOD is an everlasting rock.
Tomorrow at 8:15 AM Melody Will Go to the Hospital
Dr. Cantu is a very capable doctor. We have great confidence in him and are all the more encouraged about the choice we have made after having met him. After our meeting, Adres prayed for him and Melody and the procedure. Dr. Cantu left and then the Garzas, Rob and our family went out for a meal together. Melody was very moved by the kindness of God in providing this family in Monterrey to help us before we even knew we had a need to help.
Day 3-Still Have to Meet With Dr. Cantu
him. We will meet with him today. Priscilla's older sister (and
maybe her mother) will join us as well. Melody is concerned to have
some women who understand what is happening when she is recovering.
Please pray for Melody's respitory health. She has a scratchy throat
and some congestion. We think it's allergies, but Melody is concerned
about it delaying the procedure. God is sovereign over it all.
Day 2-Meeting with Dr. Cantu
This flight was the first for Jacob (that he can remember). It was fun watching him look out the window. While eating lunch he looked out the window and said, "Pretty neat being able to sit hear and eat while you look outside." When we landed, the assistance at the Monterrey airport was the best of the three. The young man pushing Melody's chair was very gentle. Turns out he lived for a while in Birminghan. AL and spoke English with an Alabama accent. He rounded up another young man who piled up our bags and carried them through customs. Everyone was very friendly. As our bags were being inspected one older Mexican gentleman spoke to the customs agent to make sure that she understood everything I had said about while we had all this stuff. Helpful and friendly folks.
Priscila, Rafael and Marta met us after we came through customs. Rafael and Marta are the parents of the assistant pastor at Priscila's church (I do not know him, but the church is pastored by Jorge Alaman, who went to RTS in Charlotte.) The last leg of the trip from the aiport to the hotel also went very smoothly. It was about 45 minutes. We arrived to very comfortable rooms that Priscila had already stocked with food. Having food in the rooms was very helpful because we were too tired to eat out. The body of Chris is truly amazing. We closed our time with a prayer from Rafael. I'd never met this brother and there he is helping us and genuinely caring for us because we are his brothers and sister in Christ.
We spoke to the kids back home and all was well there, which was of course comforting (though not unexpected). Today we meet with Dr. Cantu at 4:00PM. I will also run a few errands to get us further settled in.
We Just Landed in Monterrey
one I'm most concerned about. The roads have been damaged by the
hurricane. The drive is an hour to the hotel. I'm driving.
Thankfully we ate in Houston already so that should help. I hope
customs is kind to us and the airport has a wheelchair ready. Thanks
for praying thus far. Melody had peaceful flights and the girls are
adjusting well too.
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We Are About To Take Off
Security was kind but thorough. They opened all the suit cases with
meds and swabbed them. Pray for the customs portion in Houston. That
leg could be tough. We had a good time of prayer before leaving with
the family, Roy Chadwick, Benjamin Harding (he drove us), and my
father in law. Peace was present.
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Changing Email/Encouraging Words
Shopping Happening in Mexico
Busy Getting All Together
Lindsay Spengler, the most severe RSD patient treated in Monterrey, contacted Melody via email with a lot of helpful information and encouragement. (I hope to post some of her email.) It seems that it is normal for it to be very demanding on the caregiver when the patient comes out of the coma, with near round the clock care initially. So, please pray for me in that. And, that means I may not be able to post updates as easily as I thought I would be able to. But, I will try.
I think we have everything we need set up. Now its a matter of packing it all up. Melody's parents arrived today and it was wonderful to see our youngest little girl jump in her grandfather's lap--a comfort to Melody that she would adjust. The other children were happy to see them too.
Someone bought us a dinner ot Outback, so I am on the way to pick it up in hopes of not dirtying the kitchen (as much) tonight.
Wonderful Sunday
Prayer and Video Post from Melody
Prayer and Pictures
Busy Getting Ready
The Blog
Headed to Monterrey Next Week
I was uplifted by the singing of our congregation yesterday. We sang one of my favorites: Jesus with Thy Church Abide. It was good to be reminded that we worship a sovereign God and that our ultimate hope is guaranteed for us by the Spirit. The New Heaven and New Earth, our new glorified bodies free from illness and pain, unhindered fellowship with God and one another--these ultimate realities have, by God's grace, entered into my mind as more than an ethereal future hope. At times I have been able to imagine and feel these blessings as if they were just around the corner. I am grateful to God for the inward testimony of His Spirit with our spirit.
We got a nice note today from a friend our age who is an ICU nurse. She told us the latest protocols for patient care on a ventilator to prevent pneunomia from setting in. Very helpful. From what I gather, the Hospital San Jose follows these protocols. But, its good to have them so we can be checking up on Melody in an informed manner.
We also had some important details fall into place today. Our friends have been at work in Mexico investigating our hotel to make sure it is as good as it looks online. One woman in particular will be helping us while we are there. She super-fluent in English and will be a huge blessing. She had already made plans to meet us at the airport with the assistant pastor from her church. We will follow them to the hotel in our rental car. Dr. Cantu will meet us there also. Our friend is going to go shopping ahead of time so that we will have plenty of things on hand when we arrive.