Melody Up and Moving
Thanks for your prayers and encouraging words. Things looked rough, but through some serious effort at focusing on the Lord together, prayers of many and a good visit with Dr. Cantu Melody found the strength to start moving. She is up and drinking. She feared aspirating but was willing to drink with Drs. Cantu and Barrientos present because she knew they could help if something happened. She did o.k., and is up working on a Gatorade right now. Dr. Cantu talked through all the options and is still hopeful that Melody may be able to go to the hotel tomorrow--meaning that she will feel confident to go home. The trauma to the throat from the intubation is more than Melody had ever expected. The fact that she has a small throat with little to not extra padding in there cannot make it any easier. As one doctor friend told me, I am not surprised in the least by all this. Please pray that we can make it to the hotel--Jacob is eager to see his mom.