Ruth Garza has stayed the night with Melody. Rob has kept Jacob during the day. He truly has an amazing combination of gifts and spirit. A unique blessing to be able to care for a young person with complex medical needs, in a foreign country, while the child's mother is in a coma/coma recovery. Jacob has been very happy. And, in Jacob's case I actually don't think he takes it for granted at all. He knows what it takes to take care if him well. It does he that Jacob is loads of fun:). Lisette and Priscila continue to be a big help too--with all sorts of things.
Slow Going, But Steady (Monday 8/23/2010)
Melody has been moved out of the ICU. She is still very tired and weak. Dr. Cantu will come later and discuss the long term plan for therapy, injury prevention, follow up, etc. It's a process. We are grateful that things are going as planned. We will need great wisdom to maximize the benefits of this effort.