We are busy getting ready for the trip. Melody has had a few RSD events that are actually timely as reminders of the importance if this trip. Some people have had trouble with the sound on the video. I think you need external speakers to rally hear it. Sorry about that. Please pray for a good parting with the girls on Thursday--joyful and upbeat is what I would prefer. We will have Skype which will be nice. Thanks for all of your well wishes, prayers and messages. They all mean a lot to us.
Lindsay Spengler, the most severe RSD patient treated in Monterrey, contacted Melody via email with a lot of helpful information and encouragement. (I hope to post some of her email.) It seems that it is normal for it to be very demanding on the caregiver when the patient comes out of the coma, with near round the clock care initially. So, please pray for me in that. And, that means I may not be able to post updates as easily as I thought I would be able to. But, I will try.
I think we have everything we need set up. Now its a matter of packing it all up. Melody's parents arrived today and it was wonderful to see our youngest little girl jump in her grandfather's lap--a comfort to Melody that she would adjust. The other children were happy to see them too.
Someone bought us a dinner ot Outback, so I am on the way to pick it up in hopes of not dirtying the kitchen (as much) tonight.